In the Stacks with Barry & LaToya

Monday Dec 13, 2010
It's a Very Barry (and LaToya) Christmas
Monday Dec 13, 2010
Monday Dec 13, 2010
One can only hope that this episode is worth the wait and worth its weight. After work and sickness delays and despite the lethargic sweetness of lunch, Barry and LaToya come together for their first Christmas Special. Or is it the Special with no real reference? Sarah Davis returns as our seasonal chump. Does she finally win one? Does Golden Earring do the Dradle Song justice? And does Anthony really wear girl jeans? Listen to all this and more on the extended episode.

Thursday Dec 02, 2010
Give My Child His Happy Meal!
Thursday Dec 02, 2010
Thursday Dec 02, 2010
The final regular episode of the season shows employees that even librarians have opinions. Barry railroads LaToya's segment (as usual) and a new Chump plays Fairy Tale trivia. News of the Weird only gets weirder as human rights and sheer stupidity are discussed.

Thursday Nov 18, 2010
Sarah Gets Gobbled
Thursday Nov 18, 2010
Thursday Nov 18, 2010
It's the Thanksgiving episode and Sarah Davis returns to be the chump. After her Halloween appearance will she find more luck with 'gobble gobble' trivia? News of the Weird is now a new segment on the show and you won't believe your ears. Hint: reptiles and domestic relations.

Friday Nov 12, 2010
I Heart Brett Favre
Friday Nov 12, 2010
Friday Nov 12, 2010
With the Veterans Day holiday AND Barry's birthday, the show has been delayed by one day. But boy what a difference a day makes! The hosts discuss why they couldn't and didn't record the show early and spend a great deal of time talking about the Brits. There's also a lot of whistles. LaToya gives a shout out to Lil' Joely and Barry tries to stump her with Brett Favre trivia.

Thursday Nov 04, 2010
The Brady Bunch
Thursday Nov 04, 2010
Thursday Nov 04, 2010
Things are again off in Stacksland this week. Kenrick Perez returns to redeem himself after his disappointing Batman-themed Stump the Chump appearance at the beginning of the season. Mr. Golden Earring sings and Barry and LaToya chat about...the usual.

Thursday Oct 28, 2010
Surprise! Allie Fox is Princess Leia
Thursday Oct 28, 2010
Thursday Oct 28, 2010
If you're looking forward to LaToya's People in a Minute, don't be. Today's show is all about the special connection between Barry and Allie Fox. And if you thought you'd heard the last of LaToya and corn dogs, think again. New employee, Sarah Davis is the Halloween Chump, and Mr. Golden Earring 'sings' a Halloween classic.

Thursday Oct 21, 2010
It's Elementary, Kell!
Thursday Oct 21, 2010
Thursday Oct 21, 2010
It's the eve of the Deep Roots Festival and all is quiet at the library as there is no legal way to park at the facility. However, it's the perfect day for an episode of the show. The Man with the Golden Earring returns and plays for a third time as our chump. Is the third time a charm?

Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Andrew Gives Us the Finger
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
After mentioning last week that Network Administrator, Andrew Smith is now sporting a stump so much has happened in the land of the Twin Lakes Library System. Andrew not only is missing the tip of his finger he resigns his position on staff metaphorically giving us the finger. We're all in good humor though as he makes what may be his final appearance on the show as this week's chump and to tell us his harrowing story of how he almost lost his life...oops, finger. Barry and LaToya also share their Top 5 Albums and Artists of their lifetimes and revel in Barry's recent (almost) perfect job evaluation score.

Thursday Oct 07, 2010
I don't know nothin' 'bout the NHL
Thursday Oct 07, 2010
Thursday Oct 07, 2010
The show brings another big name in the world of pulp, Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of Pro Se Press. He is a new kind of Chump. Barry and LaToya bicker as usual while LaToya takes her People in a Minute segment to a more intellectual level. More talk about the budget and the cursed Service Delivery Agreement, and general banter and ITS chaos.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Dino's Lobotomy
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
After what feels like a lifetime Barry and LaToya are back in the studio. It's the first actual episode since the record-breaking 30th Annual Library Fair and Barry is in good spirits. Money tends to have that effect on him (and LaToya). LaToya turns the tables on Barry and makes him the chump for Iron Man 2 trivia. Barry hijacks LaToya's segment and LaToya is actually reading a book but doesn't get to talk about it. Will the show feature a new co-host? What is the world coming to?!